#200 | The one where they say goodbye
Episode Summary + Notes This week is our final friends on FIRE episode. We share our memories, fun stats, and closing thoughts as we wrap up what has been an amazing experience for both of us. Thank you to everyone who has listened to and supported friends on FIRE...
#199 | Listener Q&A and Comments – Part 2
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we answer more listener questions and read more awesome comments you all sent us! Episode Notes: In our Q&A, we cover topics such as passion projects versus getting paid for work, sharing our net worth, mechanics of...
#198 | Listener Q&A and Comments – Part 1
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we answer listener questions and read many lovely comments you all sent us! Episode Notes: In our Q&A, we cover topics such as travel hacking updates, friends on FIRE transition, transitioning investments from a...
#197 | Big announcement!
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share some big news with our listeners! You’ll have to listen to hear the news, and we also have a special request for all of you at the end of the episode. Episode Notes: The fiends on FIRE podcast shares a BIG...
#196 | Helping your parents with financial and legal stuff
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk about helping your parents with financial and legal stuff. First, we share advice for why and how to initiate the discussion. Then, we then dig into tactical advice for what to discuss, such as life insurance,...
#195 | Dual enrollment and financial vs lifestyle choices
Episode Summary: In this episode, we read and discuss a recent CNBC article: There’s a quicker, cheaper way to go to college, but fewer students are trying it. We then share our thoughts on dual enrollment and the broader topic of financial vs lifestyle choices....
#194 | How to let go of toxic career pressure and be happier at work – Part 2
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we continue our discussion of the toxic pressure related to career growth, titles, and money and give our advice on how to make changes needed to let go and be happier. Episode Notes: This is part two of our...
#193 | SVB collapse explained and what this means for you
Episode Summary: In this week’s current events episode, we discuss the recent Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse and what it all means. We dig into what happened, why, and what it might mean for you. Episode Notes: We explain what happened this...
#192 | How to let go of toxic career pressure and be happier at work – Part 1
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we discuss the sometimes toxic pressure of career growth, titles, and money. We hear from a couple of listeners who share their personal stories of how the anxiety to go for higher jobs has caused them to rethink their...
#191 | Marketplace insurance in early retirement – how to, costs, and more!
Episode Summary: In this episode, Maggie shares her experience and tips for signing up for medical benefits on the Affordable Care Act Marketplace. We discuss how to sign-up, some of the details of how the program works, and the best tips and tricks that we’ve learned...
#190 | The financial mechanics of early retirement
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we discuss the specific mechanics of different ways you can fund early retirement and different withdrawal strategies. We start with a reminder of how early retirement works and then review the various levers that could...
#189 | How to fight for your money back when you get screwed
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about the steps you can take to get your money back when something you buy doesn’t work out. Maybe the vendor never delivered it, maybe it broke, maybe they misled you; no matter what happens, you have a bunch of options to...
#188 | 10 products we love and why
Episode Summary: In this episode, we share our top 10 favorite products and why we love them. Well, that’s what it was supposed to be; it really turned into Maggie sharing her top 10 favorites and Mike explaining why he isn’t really attached to anything. This...
#187 | Financial Intimacy: Improve your relationship with money talk
Episode Summary: In this episode, we discuss the concept of financial intimacy and how focusing on financial intimacy can improve your relationship. Financial intimacy is the level of trust and comfort that couples have when they are discussing and managing their...
#186 | Protecting your child’s identity and creating a strong credit score
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share how to protect your child’s financial identity and create a strong credit store to set them up well for the future. We dig into why this matters and the specific steps and recommendations for what to do. ...
#185 | Setting boundaries and saying no
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about how to set boundaries and say no, with your time and with your money. Learning to set boundaries is a critical skill that will help you live a happier, more fulfilled life, and that’s what we’re all about. We discuss why...
#184 | Money Etiquette questions and scripts to use during tricky money situations
Episode Summary: In this episode, we answer your money etiquette questions and share specific scripts you can use during tricky money conversations. Talking about money with friends and family can be awkward, but we encourage you to train the muscle of being...
#183 | 2022 Full-year spending review
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we do a full-year expense review and share what each of our families spent this past year. We share our total spending for the year and break down our top spending categories, which areas we’re feeling good about, and...
#182 | Happy new year, let’s get it started!
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we kick off the new year with optimism and energy while we discuss our intentions and goals for 2023. A huge thank you to all of our podcast listeners in 2022, and Happy new year to you all! Episode Notes: ...
#181 | Year-end reflections and recap
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we reflect on 2022. We dig into what we’re most proud of, what we want to improve, and other fun stuff, like our favorite books of the year. We hope you have all had a strong year, and we appreciate you listening to and...
#180 | Article: Raising the alarm on the US economy
Episode Summary: In this episode, we read and discuss a recent Business Insider article: Michael Burry, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg are raising the alarm on the US economy. Here are 8 recession warnings from top commentators this week. We then share our...
#179 | Sticking to your values when there’s peer pressure
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about how to stick to your values when you or your kids are faced with peer pressure. First, we talk through different types of peer pressure, from positive and negative, to active and passive. We then talk more about...
#178 | Explaining IRS Limits and how to use them to your advantage
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about the 2023 IRS limits for various savings plans. We discuss the difference in benefits related to taxes and how to maximize these plans for long-term savings success. We hope this discussion motivates you to save...
#177 | Designing a life you don’t want to retire from with the Fioneers
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we interview Jessica from The Fioneers and talk about designing a life you don’t want to retire from. Jess spends a lot of time talking, thinking, and writing about how people can use the financial freedom they are...
#176 | The arrival fallacy and finding happiness where you are
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about the arrival fallacy and what you can learn from better understanding it. The arrival fallacy is the false assumption that once you reach a big goal, you will have enduring happiness from accomplishing that goal. We...
#175 | Hygge on a budget – How to get that cozy feeling this holiday season
Episode Summary: In this episode, we discuss the lesser-known but universally understood concept of Hygge. Pronounced Hugg-ah or Hoog-ah, it’s the Danish concept of coziness, and it’s everywhere around the holidays. While everyone can appreciate some coziness...
#174 | Prenups aren’t just for the rich and famous – with Alexa the attorney
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about all things prenup related, and we bring on a family law attorney to give you an official legal perspective on prenuptial agreements. We explain what a prenup is, why we think they are good, and how to create one...
#173 | Article: 7 ways a recession could be good for you financially
Episode Summary: In this episode, we read and discuss a recent Washington Post article: 7 ways a recession could be good for you financially. We then share our thoughts on the recession, housing prices, savings rates, ibonds, unemployment, student loan...
#172 | Why are kids’ sports so expensive?
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about the cost of kids' sports. We dig into the benefits of kids playing sports, why the costs can be so high, and ideas for prioritizing and rationalizing these costs. Episode Notes: Kids' sports have become...
#171 | Big Expensive Parties – Weddings and Bat Mitzvahs
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about two types of big expensive parties, weddings and bat or bar mitzvahs. They average $30k+ and come with various traditions and expectations. We start by sharing what inspired this episode and what we’ve personally...
#170 | Travel Hacking – Now, what do I do with all these points?
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk about travel hacking and focus on how you can best use and maximize all the points you’ve earned through travel hacking. Travel hacking is a fun and lucrative activity if you know learn how to do it right. We...
#169 | Liz gets loaded, Maggie gets chatty, and Mike’s along for the ride
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we get chatty with Liz from LizGetsLoaded, the money kind of loaded. Liz describes herself as someone who likes to drink wine, spend money, and max out her tax-advantaged accounts. She started with a very pretty...
#168 | How to ask for a raise
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share tactical advice on how to ask for a raise. It can be very stressful to ask for more money, and many people who deserve more never get the nerve to ask for it. We encourage everyone to thoughtfully consider if...
#167 | How to get promoted at work
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share our advice on how to get promoted at work. Preparing and positioning yourself for a promotion can be a difficult situation to navigate, but we share tactical and specific advice for how you can be successful in...
#166 | How to cope with your financial anxieties
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about financial anxiety and how to cope with it. Financial anxiety is normal, and we all experience them in different ways and at different times. Our listeners shared their financial anxieties with us, and we talk through...
#165 | How to recognize and avoid investment scams
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about investment scams, how to spot them, and how to avoid them. Scams are everywhere, and while it might seem overwhelming to sort through all the offers online, a few key principles can keep you safe in a world full of...
#164 | Debt pay-off, thrifting, ethical landlording, and more with Budget Girl Sarah Wilson
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we interview Sarah Wilson, aka Budget Girl. Sarah is a YouTuber, debt-destroyer, side-hustler, financial wellness advocate, and real estate investor. She creates amazing free resources and content on how to live a...
#163 | How to get started toward financial freedom
Episode Summary: In this episode we rewind three years of episodes and start with the basics. Where do you begin if you want to improve your finances or pursue financial independence? We discuss the mindset, skills, and actions needed to start your journey....
#162 | Why you never have enough time or money and how to fix it
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about why we never have enough time or money and how to leverage Parkinson’s law to fix that. We start by explaining Parkinson’s law, the adage that work will expand to fill the allotted time. We dig into what we can...
#161 | Travel spending recap + listener questions
Episode Summary: In this episode, we share the total amounts we spent on our extended European summer vacations. We also dig into what worked well and what we’d do differently in the future. We then cover several listener questions that cover minimalist...
#160 | Debt-free college with Jason Brown
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we discuss with Jason Brown how to go to college debt-free. Jason is an expert in taking the debt-free path to college; he’s earned two debt-free degrees and has even written a book on it! Jason shares his mindset on...
#159 | Saving money on toiletries and personal care
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share ideas and tips for saving money on toiletries and personal care items such as make-up, toilet paper, and medicine. We discuss how much people are spending in this category and share our best ideas and tips for...
#158 | Control your lifestyle to find financial freedom
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we discuss how to control your lifestyle to find financial freedom. We introduce the concept of lifestyle creep, or lifestyle inflation, and talk about how dangerous and destructive it can be to your financial and overall...
#157 | Live from Europe – Summer adventures with friends on FIRE
Episode Summary: In this week's special episode, we record live while vacationing together in Austria! We’re both on summer adventures in Europe with our families, and we found a way to meet up together in the Austrian Alps for a week. We share what we’ve been up to...
#156 | Public libraries are amazing!
Episode Summary: In this week's episode, we talk about how amazing public libraries are. We’re already paying for the services of public libraries via our tax dollars, and they offer a surprising volume of services and amenities that many of us aren’t familiar with. ...
#155 | The keys to a full life with That Science Couple
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we interview Diandra from That Science Couple. Diandra and her husband Bradley are a plant-based 30-something couple living in Wisconsin. Brad has a masters in Environmental Biology, and Diandra is a PDH student in...
#154 | 6 weeks into early retirement: Untethered and finding margin with Maggie and Greg
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, Mike does a 6-week check-in on early retirement with Maggie and Greg. Maggie and Greg. are enjoying early retirement; they are being even more active, sleeping better, and feeling the benefits of more margin in their...
#153 | Listener Q&A: Savings, 529s, retirement planning, conversion ladders, rentals, and more!
Episode Summary: In this episode, we answer a bunch of recent listener questions. We answer questions on partying off your mortgage versus saving more into a 529 for college, if now is the right time to put money into the market, how much money to keep in a cash...
#152 | Travel hacking thru the summer and 1M point goal update
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we give a refresher on travel hacking and share an update on our 1 million point goal this year. The power of travel hacking comes from the sign-up bonuses, not from normal spend. We’ve signed up for 9 different credit...
#151 | How to make paying off debt fun
Episode Summary: In this episode, we discuss simple and fun strategies for paying off debt. We often hear about good vs. bad debt, but don’t be fooled by companies trying to sell you loans. Almost all debt is bad, and if you are stuck with it, you should work hard to...
#150 | The stock market is down! What to do!?
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we discuss the recent volatility and decline in the stock market. It’s been a wild ride in 2022! With a dramatic pullback from recent stock market highs, it can be stressful to watch your investments. We discuss some of...
#149 | Maggie and Greg’s last week of work and first week of retirement
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, Mike interviews Greg and Maggie about their last week of work and the first week of retirement. Greg and Maggie share how they initially gave their notice at work, then dig into more recent happenings of how their last week...
#148 | 8 ways to tackle your financial fears
Episode Summary: In this episode, we discuss the concept of fear related to money and early retirement specifically. Based on a talk Maggie gave at campFI Southeast 2022, we dig into a discussion on fear and courage. We talk about what we’re afraid of, define fear,...
#147 | How to save on your cell phone bill
Episode Summary: In this episode, we share ideas for how everyone can save money on their cell phone bill. Most people can get unlimited cell phone cover in the United States for under $30 a month, so if you’re paying more than that, we challenge you to...
#146 | Leaving law and living without regrets with early-retiree Landshark
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we interview Landshark. Landshark is the pen name for a lawyer, father, husband, and now early retiree. He’s in his early 40s and lives in Colorado with his wife and two elementary school-aged kids. He spent nearly...
#145 | Sustainable practices that save you and the environment
Episode Summary: In this episode, we share sustainable practices that save the environment and your wallet. In honor of Earth Day, we discuss why sustainability matters and dig into 22 tips to help the environment while also saving you money. We start with little...
#144 | Inflation is out of control! What is happening?
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about all things inflation. We dissect the concept of inflation and discuss how you can proactively respond to and mitigate current inflation. Inflation is essentially the increase in prices of goods and services, but it’s...
#143 | We have food at home and so do you!
Episode Summary: In this episode, we remind everyone that we have food at home, and so do you! Eating out can be one of the largest expense categories, and many people don’t realize how much they spend in this category until they start tracking their...
#142 | What’s your 401k invested in?
Episode Summary: In this episode, we discuss 401k and 403b investment options and how to pick the right ones for you. We start with a refresher on 401ks and 403bs and discuss the tax structure of these plans. We then explain the various types of funds available...
#141 | Exiting Corporate America Advice from the OG Early Retirees (part 5 of 5)
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we bring back the original friends on FIRE to give Maggie advice and counsel as she embarks on her early retirement journey. The original friends on FIRE are Mike’s dad Jack and his long-time friend Mark, who met at...
#140 | Maggie’s early retirement “bucket list” plans (part 4 of 5)
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, Maggie shares a glimpse into how she plans to spend her retirement, or as she describes it, what’s on her early retirement bucket list. She introduces the concept of her Freedom Five and walks through each of her top...
#139 | Medical insurance in early retirement (part 3 of 5)
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, Maggie shares her plan for medical insurance in early retirement. The reality is insurance is expensive, and either your employer is subsidizing the cost for you, or you’re paying the higher price tag in exchange for...
#138 | How a family of 5 can afford to retire at 41 and 43 (part 2 of 5)
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, Maggie shares how her family of 5 is retiring at her age of 41 and her husband at the age of 43. She shares how they financially got to the point of retiring early and how they plan to finance the next 40+ years of...
#137 | Maggie quit her job and is early retiring at 41 (part 1 of 5)
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, Maggie shares some big news that she’s resigned at the age of 41 after 20 years working in Corporate America and is retiring early! And it’s not just Maggie, her husband Greg also quit his job, and they are taking this...
#136 | From financially illiterate in her 20s to retiring from W2 work in her 30s with Diania from EconoMe
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk about going from financially illiterate in her 20s to retiring from W2 work in her 30s with Diania Merriam. Diania is the host of the Optimal Finance Daily podcast and the creator of the EconoMe conference,...
#135 | How to save money dating
Episode Summary: In this episode, we talk about how to save money while dating. The dating process can get really expensive, yet there are some simple and proactive steps you can take to make dating more affordable and effective. We discuss the various factors that...
#134 | Travel hacking our way to 1 million points in 2022
Episode Summary: In this episode, we discuss our individual goals to earn 500,000 airline, hotel, or travel points this year for a friends on FIRE total of one million points! Travel hacking is a fun and lucrative activity if you learn how to do it right. We discuss...
#133 | How to put a value on your time
Episode Summary: In this episode, we share ideas for putting a dollar value on your time and using that to decide what to buy vs. make, do yourself vs. hire, or purchase new vs. keep using. Of course, everyone is different and everyone’s time has a different value,...
#132 | Full-year expense review with our spouses
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share what both of our families spent in 2021. We give a full-year expense review and break down our top spending categories, which areas we’re feeling good about, and where we’d like to improve in 2022. These...
#131 | An unconventional and extraordinary life with Chris and Deb
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk with Chris and Deb from Go Bucket Yourself. Chris and Deb are a married couple living in Colorado with two daughters and two dogs. They had built a safe and secure life and slowly realized the white picket fence life...
#130 | Where meditation and money meet
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we discuss the amazing benefits of meditation and how it can positively impact your money. Meditation has some pretty impressive benefits that have been scientifically proven, from reducing stress and anxiety to reducing...
#129 | Our year-end reflections, favorites, and predictions
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we reflect on another unique year, 2021! We share it all, from what we’re most proud of personally to what we’ve learned and reflected on. We also share some of our favorite podcasts from the year, along with some of...
#128 | Creative ways to save on medical expenses
Episode Summary: In this episode, we share ideas and tips for challenging typical medical insurance norms so you can save money on your medical expenses. Most people think there’s only one path for all of their medical expenses if they have traditional insurance, but...
#127 | Our early retirement plans and why are we still working!?
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share our early retirement plans, goals, and why we’re both still working. We get this question a lot from our listeners, so we’ve finally decided to address it. We share how we’ve both reached our financial independence...
#126 | End of year financial reminders + goals check-in
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we review important end-of-year financial reminders and do a goals check-in. First, we review the 2021 financial checklist we shared at the start of the year and focus on the most important items to remember before the end of...
#125 | How to spend less at Target
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk about how to spend less at Target or fill in the blank on whatever your version of Target is. We’re talking about those stores where you walk in for a $5 item, and you walk out with $75 or even $150 worth of things...
#124 | The Modern FImily – A retired family of 4 living happily on $30K a year
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk with Court from the Modern FImily. Court and her wife Nic are a married couple who lived significantly below their means, paid off their debt, started investing, and were able to retire in their 30s to raise their two...
#123 | The one thing you need to do to plan for a traditional retirement
#122 | Outrageous generosity, charitable giving, and gratitude, with Joel O’Leary
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk with Joel O’Leary about outrageous generosity, charitable giving, giving back, and gratitude. Joel is one of the most generous people we know, and from an early age, his parents taught him about the importance and...
#121 | Career advice from 30+ years in Corporate America
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share 30+ years of wisdom and advice from our combined 30+ years working in Corporate America. We talk through our experiences working in Corporate America, what we’ve learned, and what has made us successful over...
#120 | 25 tips to take control of holiday spending
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share 25 tips to take control of your holiday spending. Holiday retail sales are projected to grow between 7% and 9% this year, but you can buck the trend and reign in your holiday spending to end the year on a...
#119 | What’s in your best interest with Jesse Cramer
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk with Jesse Cramer from The Best Interest. Jesse paid off $50,000 in student loans in six years and built a net worth of $250,000 before 30. He is an engineer by day and a blogger and podcaster on The Best Interest...
#118 | It’s benefits season! So how do you pick the right ones?
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we get ready for benefits enrollments, which happens at most companies each fall, by discussing what plans are typically available to colleagues and how to pick the right ones. We combine topics we have covered in...
#117 | The ultimate paper-free way to control your financial life
Episode Summary: In this episode, we discuss how one simple software changed our lives, and it’s called Evernote! Maggie has been using Evernote for over ten years to reduce her paper use and keep her life clutter-free. She recently turned Mike onto Evernote, and...
#116 | Are you ready to invest in Crypto?
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we bring on Maggie’s brother, Alex, to talk about all things cryptocurrency. Alex is a self-taught expert on cryptocurrency and shares his experiences and thoughts as we define blockchain, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, NFTs, and...
#115 | How to learn anything for free
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we discuss how you can learn anything for free. We share some of our favorite resources and tips for learning how to do things for free. Resources such as youtube, the Libby app, your public library, podcasts, Instagram,...
#114 | What’s a rothIRA and do I need one?
Episode Summary: In this episode, we explain the 3 types of Roth retirement accounts and how you can leverage them on your financial independence journey. We talk through the differences between IRAs and Roth IRAs, what tax-deferred and tax-free mean as it relates to...
#113 | 8 tips for financial wellness
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk about the importance of financial wellness and share eight tips for achieving financial wellness. First, we compare financial wellness to physical wellness and talk about why both are important. Then we break down...
#112 | How to know if you are FI
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk about how the FIRE community traditionally defines Financial Independence (FI) and how you can use that information to help you plan your own life. We explain the ever-popular 4% rule and dig into the benefits and...
#111 | Gift economies and buy nothing groups
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we discuss the gift economy and how you can use it to improve your finances, community, and happiness. We talk about how to join and leverage buy nothing groups, borrow things from neighbors on facebook neighborhood...
#110 | Automating your finances to create better financial habits
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk about using automation to improve your finances and create strong financial habits. We explain why automation can be so impactful and then talk through the specific ways you can automate your finances and some...
#109 | Talking to your partner about money
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share tips and advice for how to talk to your partner about money. Getting aligned with your partner about money can be such a positive boost for your relationship. Money is the number one issue couples fight about,...
#108 | Mid-year expense review with our spouses
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share a mid-year expense review for both of our families. And for a special treat, we invite our spouses to join us as we share and review our 6-months of expense tracking. We start by reminding everyone why we...
#107 | Why you should reject Dave Ramsey’s Debt Snowball Method, and what to do instead
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk about one of the most popular debt payoff strategies, Dave Ramsey’s Debt Snowball Method. It’s been around for a long time and has helped many people get rid of their debt. But this doesn’t mean it’s the best...
#106 | Retiring at 30 with A Purple Life
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk with A Purple Life, who recently retired at the age of 30 after spending a decade getting her cost of living low through a mix of frugal living, lifestyle decisions, and geoarbitrage. In her 20s, she realized she...
#105 | Our summer vacations: detailed cost breakdown and reflections
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we reflect on our recent family vacations, more recently known as vaxications. Mike went to Colorado; Maggie went to the US Virgin Islands. They were very different trips, but you can learn a lot from the details of...
#104 | Appeal your property appraisal to save $$ on your real estate taxes
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we share how you can and should appeal your annual property tax assessment. If you can do this successfully, you can save hundreds or potentially even thousands on your annual real estate property taxes. Maggie has...
#103 | Spending more time with your kids, a case for FIRE
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk about spending more time with our kids, friends, and family and how this is a strong case for achieving financial independence. We share the reasons it’s hard to spend quality time with your kids as they age,...
#102 | Twinning your way to financial freedom with Nicole + Nadia, aka the Wealth Twins
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we talk with the Wealth Twins, also known as Nadia and Nicole. Nadia and Nicole both went to Columbia University and spent decades working in investment banking and financial services. They retired early in their 30s and...
#101 | Friends don’t talk about money, but they should
Episode Summary: In this week’s episode, we delve into a discussion on friends, family, and money. We started this podcast because we both learned first-hand that talking to your friends about money can improve everyone’s finances. Yet, for some reason, most...
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