#130 | Where meditation and money meet

January 3, 2022

Episode Summary:


In this week’s episode, we discuss the amazing benefits of meditation and how it can positively impact your money.  Meditation has some pretty impressive benefits that have been scientifically proven, from reducing stress and anxiety to reducing coronary disease and lowering your blood pressure.  First, we dig into what meditation is, its many benefits, and how it can improve your finances.  Then we teach you how to meditate and suggest some free apps that can help support your meditation journey.  


Episode Notes:


Happy new year!  Everyone is focused on their new year’s resolutions, working out, eating healthier, and ultimately becoming better versions of themselves.  Well, our best advice for becoming a better version of yourself this year is to start meditating.  And the good news about meditation is that it’s completely free.  Everything you need to meditate you each have on your person right now.  And if you have a smartphone, you have an extra resource to help get you started and stick with it. 


In this episode, we dig into:

  • What is meditation
  • The benefits of meditation
  • How meditation can improve your finances 
  • How to meditate
  • Suggested free apps that can support your meditation practice
  • Our thoughts on paid meditation apps


Top 3 Takeaways:

  1. Meditation is an incredibly powerful tool, and it’s scientifically proven.
  2. Meditation is easy.  People often overcomplicate their expectations on meditating and think they can’t do it.  Anyone can do it!    
  3. Meditation can help your relationship with accumulating more things, which will, in turn, help your finances.  


Show References:

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