#175 | Hygge on a budget – How to get that cozy feeling this holiday season

November 14, 2022

Episode Summary:


In this episode, we discuss the lesser-known but universally understood concept of Hygge. Pronounced Hugg-ah or Hoog-ah, it’s the Danish concept of coziness, and it’s everywhere around the holidays. While everyone can appreciate some coziness in the winter, marketers will try to convince you to buy things to achieve it. But we think you can find hygge without spending a lot of money!

Episode Notes:


Hygge is the danish concept of coziness but with specific elements. 


How to build hygge:



  • Wrapping yourself in a blanket. Sitting by a fire. Cuddling on the couch.
  • What it’s not: sitting on a hot beach. Hygge is warmth when it’s cold outside.


  • Soft light and contrasting light with shadows. Candles, Christmas trees, soft lamps.
  • What it’s not: lots of light, white light, bright light


  • Rich smells of winter or sweets or baking.
  • What it’s not: It can really be anything you feel adds to the mood.


  • Coffee, hot chocolate, pastries
  • What it’s not: Probably not a bowl of candy, but if that does it for you, go for it!


Marketers know all this stuff and will tweak advertising to create hygge settings. Just watch some ads now and see. But don’t get confused: hygge is not a new TV in your living room, even if the commercial has warmth, light, food, and family. To achieve hygge, focus on the easy essentials that don’t cost a lot!


Top 3 takeaways:

  1. Hygge is an amazing atmosphere for the holidays, and we recommend trying it out.
  2. Marketers will try to leverage your subconscious desire for hygge to encourage you to buy stuff you don’t need.
  3. Hygge essentials are probably already in your house, but if they’re not, they can be found inexpensively. 


Show References:

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