#188 | 10 products we love and why

February 13, 2023

Episode Summary:


In this episode, we share our top 10 favorite products and why we love them. Well, that’s what it was supposed to be; it really turned into Maggie sharing her top 10 favorites and Mike explaining why he isn’t really attached to anything. This becomes a philosophical discussion about stuff and our relationship with it.  

Episode Notes:

Maggie’s top 10 product’s she loves:

  1. Bose noise-canceling headphones
  2. Airpod pros
  3. Apple laptop and iphone and how they seamlessly work together.
  4. 1password password management tool
  5. My cast iron pan (always pan vs. lodge cast iron pan)
  6. Instant pot and air fryer (they are a power couple, so they go on the list as one item)
  7. Library card
  8. Weighted blanket
  9. Scanner
  10. Tesla

Mike’s top 10 product’s he loves:

Mike doesn’t officially have a list, but if he did, it would include his computer, iphone, some sort of a cloud storage solution, an air fryer, and maybe his library card and some power tools.  

Show References:

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