#117 | The ultimate paper-free way to control your financial life

October 4, 2021

Episode Summary:


In this episode, we discuss how one simple software changed our lives, and it’s called Evernote!  Maggie has been using Evernote for over ten years to reduce her paper use and keep her life clutter-free.  She recently turned Mike onto Evernote, and he quickly fell in love!  Now we are paper-free and have developed our own unique methodologies to keep track of the thousands of pieces of paper that financial institutions and retailers throw our way. We share our thoughts and best practices to help you clean up your financial records and beyond.  


Episode Notes:


Evernote is a multifaceted cloud-based software platform for note-taking and record-keeping. It can serve a multitude of purposes, but we’re going to focus just on the record-keeping benefits.


We each share our personal experiences with Evernote, how it works and why we love it so much.  


How Evernote helps with your financial management:


  1. You have access to your records from anywhere because it’s in the cloud
  2. The documents are protected and backed up
  3. If you need to return an item to a store, you have the receipt
  4. If you need to do a warranty repair, exchange, or find out if your item is under warranty, you have the receipt
  5. If you aren’t tracking expenses or are just starting, you can look back through receipts to find comparison expenses.  


If you want to declutter your life of paper, be more organized, have better access to your records, or just track your finances better, Evernote is the way to go.


Top 3 takeaways:

  1. Financial records and receipts are a real headache, but they are important to keep.
  2. Going entirely digital helps declutter your life and gives you better access to your important records.
  3. Evernote can do so much more than just scan and hold documents, but even at its most basic function, Evernote is one of our most valuable subscriptions.


Show References:

Evernote – summary of their free and paid plans

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