#082 | How to show your love for free or on a budget

February 1, 2021

Episode Summary:


In this week’s episode and with Valentine’s day around the corner, we talk about love and how to show it for free or on a budget.  Lots of people like to show their love through gifts and spending money, and that’s great sometimes, but it’s also not necessary.  Flashy things can often be distracting, and true love doesn’t need much money to show.  We talk through learning your love languages, the importance of communication with your partner, and inspiring ways to show your love for free and budget-friendly ways.  


Episode Notes:


People often try to show their love through fancy gifts, but that’s usually not the most effective way to show your love.  We talk through the importance of learning your love languages, other considerations for how to show your love, and ideas for showing your love on a budget. 


Love languages

  • Figure out your and your partners love language.  Also, hope that your partners love languages focus on the four that cost less money!  It’s ok if they don’t.  You can take the quick online here, and it takes 5 minutes.  
    • Share and discuss the results with your partner.  Communication about things like this is so important for your relationship, and such an easy thing to do.  
  • The five love languages are:
  • Physical Touch
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality Time
  • Acts of Service
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Notice four of the five love languages do not involve spending money, and you can easily come up with ideas across all five that don’t involve spending money. 


Things to remember when giving gifts:

  • It’s the thought that counts.  That’s not just a saying.
  • Remember that if someone only likes you because you lavish them with gifts, then it might be a sign it’s not the right person.  Early on in a relationship is when there can be the most pressure to shower someone with gifts, but we would argue that’s actually when it’s most important to reign this in.  Gifts can be distracting from what’s happening in a relationship.  When you strip all of that away, you find if you’re truly compatible and what someone values and cares about.  If someone doesn’t like you because you’re on a budget or trying to show your love in budget-friendly ways, that might be a sign that they are not a great long-term partner.  We’re not suggesting you be cheap, but there’s a fine line here, and you need to decide what’s right for you. 
  • Consider your budget and lifestyle, and consider gifts that fit within that.  
  • The best gifts may take some time to think about and come up with.   Sit back and think about what they truly love and value within their top love language categories.  
  • Show your love year-round, not just on Valentine’s days or other obligatory holidays.  


Ideas for showing your love for free or on a budget:

  • Physical Touch – Give a massage, plan a romantic snuggle on the couch with a good movie, or uhm, you know, get physical.  
  • Words of Affirmation– Write a love letter, write a poem, make and write a beautiful card, or just sit them down and tell them how you feel about them.  
  • Quality Time– Block a focused chunk of time to spend together, plan an outing, put your phones away and be focused, go on a hike, or spend time doing something they enjoy doing.  
  • Acts of Service– Wash the dishes, clean the house, fold the laundry, finish that project that’s been driving them crazy, or xxx.
  • Receiving Gifts – Consider gifts that are smaller and thoughtful but not very expensive.  Make them a coupon book, or consider Joel’s 100-day book idea.  Gifts should be within your budget and lifestyle.  If you have tons of money, then go for it and splurge.  If you’re in tons of debt, take it easy here.  


Top 3 takeaways:

  1. It doesn’t cost money to show your love.  
  2. Learn your and your partner’s love language, and use that knowledge for good!
  3. Take time to think about thoughtful gifts and consider all the details to make the gift special. 


Show references:

5 Love Languages Quiz

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