#063 | 5 Ways Shopping at Aldi Will Change Your Life

September 28, 2020

Episode Summary


In this episode we discuss 5 ways shopping at Aldi will change your life.  To do this we bring on an expert and we chat with Chelsea, the founder of the Aldi for President Instagram account with over 13,000 followers! We learn a little about Chelsea’s passion for the grocery chain and we share our favorite things about it. This episode is a total Alid lovefest. If you don’t already shop there, this episode will probably change your mind.  We just hope there’s an Aldi near you!  


Episode Notes


Chelsea’s love of Aldi inspired her to start an Instagram fan account where she posts about her everyday shopping at Aldi as well as Aldi’s famous special buys. Though she was first introduced to Aldi as a kid when her parents shopped there, she initially didn’t shop there as an adult.  She then got reacquainted with it a few years back, and it didn’t take long for her to get hooked. And only a matter of visits, and seeing the cost of a cart full of groceries, before her husband was on board as well.


Aldi sometimes gets a bad rap in the US. In Europe, where Aldi began, it’s just a nice grocery store chain. Europe doesn’t have airplane hanger size grocery stores, so everything is small. But in the US, it feels different and to many people, different is scary.


We give Chelsea some rapid fire Aldi Q&A.  Listen to the podcast to hear her answers:

  • What is the best thing you’ve ever bought at Aldi?  Weirdest thing?
  • How many different Aldis have you been to? 
  • How many different countries have you visited an Aldi in? Or what country would you want to visit an Aldi in?
  • Do you ever shop at other grocery stores? 
  • Have you ever been to a Lidl and does it make you question Aldi?


Most importantly, we finish with the impact Aldi has had on our lives personally and financially,


Our 5 Ways Shopping at Aldi Will Change Your Life:

  1. A smaller store makes shopping easier and faster.
  2. A smaller store makes you a grocery minimalist and you’ll be happier because of it.
  3. Recurring international speciality items makes it easy to explore new cuisine.
  4. The Special Buys can save you a ton on the essentials items from gardening equipment to pool toys to clothes to home decor.  But don’t just buy this stuff unless it’s items you need!!
  5. The prices are so. Damn. Low.


Show References

Aldi for President on Instagram

Friends on FIRE episode #24 – Save on Groceries

FOLLOW friends on FIRE