#026 | Inspire to FIRE Interview

April 9, 2020

Episode Summary 

Mike and Maggie interview Chris from the Inspire to FIRE blog.  Chris shares his thoughts on what led him down the financial independence path, his humble beginnings in life, how he and his wife evolved on this journey together, and why he started the Inspire to FIRE blog.  Chris offers a lot of great advice, spreadsheets, and other resources on the Inspire to FIRE blog and we recommend checking it out.  

Episode Notes

Chris shares his story of how he learned about financial independence after getting out of pharmacy school.  The Mad Fientist podcast was a game-changer for him, and he’s also been inspired by Mr. Money Mustache, JL Collins, and many more leaders in this space.  Chris talks about humble beginnings, and how we grew up with a frugality mindset. This has also given him an appreciation for how far he has come with his family.  Chris talks about lifestyle creep, getting his wife on board, and teaches us about barista FIRE and coast FIRE.  


We really enjoyed our discussion with Chris from Inspire to FIRE.  Please listen to hear more about Chris’s story. Check out his blog in the show-notes.  


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Inspire to FIRE – How to use a roth conversion ladder for early retirement

Inspire to FIRE – What’s my FIRE number

Inspire to FIRE – How to prioritize your investments for FIRE

Mad Fientist

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