#023 | Happiness Sex and Money

March 30, 2020

Episode Summary 

In this episode we discuss the many benefits of improving your financial life, which leads us to a discuss on happiness, sex, and money.  We cover the top 5 reasons we believe you should improve your finances and get financially fit. Getting financially fit will improve your sex life, Maggie guarantees it.

Episode Notes

We start out with a crazy frugal tip from a listener.  Then we jump into the topic at hand. We remind people that money can buy you happiness, by having so much saved up that it buys you freedom and the feeling of confidence. 

There are so many benefits to improving your finances.  We cover the top 5 reasons we believe you should improve your finances and get financially fit.  

#1 – Being financially fit will improve your sex life. Let’s face it, if you’re overwhelmed by money problems, you’re not in the mood. 

#2 – Being financially fit will improve your mental health.  Money concerns and insecurity cause stress. Stress impacts your mental health.

#3 – Being financially fit will improve your physical health. See: #2

#4 – Being financially fit will improve your self-confidence and self-esteem. You will have the financial cushion to see you through tough times.

#5 – Being financially fit will make you happier.  The feeling of freedom and options is one of the most amazing feelings in the world.  Some people think that being frugal or saving money will require suffering, but if you spend some time really thinking about what makes you happy we think you’ll realize most of those things are tied to money.  

You don’t have to be perfect.  Making small changes and better choices everyday can have a positive impact on all of these areas.  

Our top 3 takeaways for this episode:

  1. Money CAN buy happiness, but not in the way you think.  
  2. Figure out what makes you happy.  Figure out your why, perhaps it’s one of the reasons we covered today.  
  3. Get more financially fit and you’re guaranteed better sex.  You’re welcome!  

Show References

Mostly Minimal Life blog post on Playing with FIRE book review where they introduce the idea to make a list of the top 10 things that make you happy.

Mostly Minimal Life blog post on How Noise Cancelling Headphones Make Me a Better Parent

Lots of articles supporting the idea that your finances and sex life are linked, from Huffington Post to Budgets are Sexy to Men’s Health.  

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